Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Weather, Driving and Dip-Sticks

I’m not sure why, but it seems like whenever there is an instance of inclement weather people completely lose all driving ability.
I’ve witnessed this phenomenon all over the US, so it’s not isolated to a geographic region.
Rain, wind, sleet, ice and snow all appear to be some sort of triggering mechanism that turns sane, rational human beings into complete idiots.

The posted speed limits are for perfect driving conditions. Snow and ice are not considered perfect so doing double the speed limit would, in my estimation, be stupid.

I know what your thinking…Spurs drives like a little old lady.
Contrary to that assumption, I know when to drop the hammer and when to back off.

The same cannot be said for the dip-sticks I witnessed bouncing off one another this morning.
Here’s a tip for ya’ big fella in the red truck. Four wheel drive does not mean four wheel stop. Little thing you may have heard of called ice…
I’m glad that you were not hurt but I think you made the lady in the other lane shit her pants.

Another thing, if you are 183 years old, have a car the size of a battle cruiser, wear glasses so thick that you can look down and see hell, can’t see over the steering wheel and don’t know your right from your left. Please stay off the road.
I know you and Pee-Paw have to get to McDonalds for the senior coffee and Egg McMuffin but damn, I’m sick of dodging around you and the aftermath you create.
Little tip for ya, just because you have your left turn signal on does not mean you can make that turn from the god damn right lane. Are we clear??

We got some weather here in TLTTF last night. Can you tell??
It could be worse though, thinking about driving in Atlanta and Detroit still makes my eyes twitch.