Monday, February 05, 2007

The Final Countdown

It finally happened. Someone has employed me. I'm both excited and not. It's not the job or the salary that I had hoped for but it's a starting point. I have seven days left until it starts. Granted, I have been out of work for over 7 months but now it's official - I have to actually work on Monday of next week. Not only do I have to work, I have to go into an office everyday. I have not had to go into an office for two years. My previous job allowed me to work from home. So yes, it will be total culture shock. I will have to get up early, shower, dry hair, put on make-up, pick office clothes to wear, and sit in traffic. So this week I am going to try and totally relax. Even though I have been out of work for a long while the whole time we were either packing, moving, unpacking, and then I would look for work everyday and try to fill the time that I wasn't working doing something so I didn't look too much like a slacker. Spurs works from home so I had to try and do something everyday besides sit on the couch and watch tv. Now that I know I am starting on Monday I am going to totally slack off!!! Wish me luck :) (with the job - not the slacking - I'm pretty good at slacking)