Tuesday, January 17, 2006


The American Dialect Society has declared “truthiness” the word of the year. This word was made popular by the mock news show on Comedy Central the Colbert Report. (this is a really funny show by the way)

Truthiness, if you believe Colbert, refers to the quality of preferring concepts or facts one wishes to be true, rather than concepts or facts known to be true. Well no shit, I'd prefer to believe that I'm a retired Hall Of Fame baseball player and world renowned playboy/super spy with a cock the size of an amazonian anaconda. But the truth prohibits me...

This all sounds like lying to me but main stream media has bought into it. Supposedly the word can be found in the Oxford Dictionary as an off shoot of truthy…and clearly this makes everything alright.

“Author” James Frey, of A Million Little Pieces fame was on Larry King the other night addressing allegations that his “biography” was chock full of lies. He told Larry that there was a definite truthiness to his book and that some embellishments may have occurred.
He went on to state that this book was more of a memoir and that these were the facts as he thought them to be. Larry didn’t even blink.
Hell, Oprah even called in to support this guy. (1.7 million copies sold thanks to her book club, wonder if she gets a cut)

So I’m thinking to myself, since I’m going to be looking for a job here in the next few months I’ll base my resume on the truthiness concept. That was the easiest Doctorate degree in the history of man…

Truthiness…what a crock of shite.