Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Land That Time Forgot

It’s got to be tough being a news person here in TLTTF.
Nothing really to report...seriously. I can’t remember any murders, robberies or rapes being reported here in the last year. And yet, every night they show news teasers trying to bait viewers into watching but you just know they’re full of crap. It’s really quite sad.

Even "Mr. Excitable" the weather guy has a tough time because it’s usually the same old’ weather thing. But he tries, I’ll give him that.

Last night Napster and I were lying in bed and in between Lost and Invasion the news teaser came on with "Mr. Excitable" the weather guy damn near shouting “Guess what your day will be like tomorrow!!!”
Napster doesn’t miss a beat and says, “I wonder what rhymes with dry and fucking windy?”
The water I was drinking spewed everywhere…

Completely random thought from our trip to Vegas for New Years
I knew that we were in the middle of something nuts when I walked into the toilet at Bally’s, and had to listen to some guy free-style rapping while taking the most offensive dump ever recorded. And people were clapping…