Friday, December 08, 2006

No Licking Of The Hoo-Hoo

That is the quote of the past two days from the house of Spurs & Napster. Little Lynkin is doing good. BUT, she cannot lick the Hoo-Hoo. So every five minutes, it's "Don't Lick The Hoo-Hoo". The Vet told me that if she starts licking that either she needs the cone of silence or I should go get her a newborn onesie from Wal-Mart so she can't get to it. She had nothin to do with the wonsies I bought so - it's "Don't Lick The Hoo-Hoo Lynkin".

So it's conflicting info when it comes to little Lynkin sleeping in our bed last night, "Mama says - LICK THE HOO-HOO" then when Lynkin tries it it's "Don't lick the Hoo-Hoo Lynkin"! Hahahaha! Just Kidding :) (Not Really).

Our little girl is doing good since her "FIX" yesterday but it's tough to keep her from jumping up and down off of the couch and to stop licking her special place :)

We shall keep you updated - the Vet says we should keep her from "Jumping" "Licking" and "Rough Housing" for 10 days. YIKES! The next 10 days should be challenging.

After having her in the bed last night all Spurs heard was "Don't Roll Over On The Baby" :)