Tuesday, August 02, 2005

This and That

I'm suffering from a cold. Every time I get on a plane, I wind up sitting next to some jack-hole with the damn ebola virus. I try to take preventative meds but invariably I wind up with a cold. Do you think people will take offense to me wearing some sort of protective mask?? Or how about putting everyone who's sick on their own sickly little plane and let the people who're well have a nice ride home without someone blowing snot all over them.

Sissy's in town. I always like seeing her. She's what you call "Good People".
I wish some of the good genes would have rubbed off on me because for all intents and purposes I am a complete bastard.

*Sneezing and blowing my nose*

Last week in Chucktown was a blast. Worked like an "All-Star" and partied like a "Rock Star". It was good to see my friends.

The travel schedule is really going to pick up here in the next few weeks. Even Napster is getting in on the act. She's heading to Chicago at the end of the month while I will be in the 7th level of hell known as Yuma. I will remember to pack shorts this time however...

Napster and I have decided that for at least the time being, we're going to share the blog. We do everything else together so why not this?? We may have seperate blogs in the future, but for now we're in this thing together.

What else.....oh yeah, how long do you think it's safe to leave a cat unattended??
We're both gone at the end of the month and we're debating about a kennel or having someone come to the house. Looks like we'll be gone 6 days and I think that's too long to leave our screwball cat alone.
Mo, you may not answer because ESPY pees all over everything.

Have you ever noticed that if you use the spell check provided by "Blogger" every time you type in "who're" it will correct you with "whore". What's that all about??